30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 28, 2018 I remember a woman from one of the nursing homes in my first assignment. Her name was Barb and she was blind. I always knew when to start Mass at the nursing home where she lived because she had one of those watches that on the hour would say, “The time is 11:00 o’clock.” That was my cue. At the end of every Mass at I would always go around and greet as many of the residents as I could. Every time I came around to Barb she would take firm hold of my hand and say to me, “Father, pray for me that if it is God’s will I would see again, but most importantly that I would get to heaven.” And I would always tell her, “Barb, you’ve got your priorities straight. I think you see better than most.” I couldn’t help but think of Barb as I looked at the Gospel for this Sunday in which Jesus encounters Bartimaeus. There’s a ...