21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
In light of the message from Bishop Zinkula that I read just before Mass and all of the news that has been swirling around the Church these past few weeks regarding the ongoing clergy sexual abuse scandal, I feel like I can’t not address this. I can’t simply pretend that this is not happening and just focus on happier things. It also occurred to me in a conversation with a student this past week that is a very fresh wound for most of our students. Our students, by and large, were too young to remember when as a Church we went through all of this some sixteen years ago, when in 2002 “the first domino fell” with the breaking of the scandal in Boston. These latest reports also hit home for me more personally, as now Archbishop McCarrick ordained me a transitional deacon my last year of seminary along with twenty or so of my classmates from various dioceses throughout the United States in 2003. At the time he was sti...